Social and Behavioral Sciences

United Nations Tolerance Day

Under the supervision of Faculties Dr. Leslie and Ms. Karoline

College of Security and Global Studies


Dubai 12 November 2020

Report on the Zoom Interdisciplinary Webinar on

The United Nations (including Model United Nations) and UN Tolerance Day

Date: 12.11.2020

Time 15:00 – 17:00

Activity Type: Zoom Webinar including Two Presentations, a Faculty Panel and a Workshop

Co-Organizers:  CEDU (Dr. Leslie – Ms. Karoline) – MUN Club Advisor (Ms. Karoline – Dr. Kleanthis) – Student Services (Ms. Sumayyah)

Brief Description:     In the beginning the Vice President for Academic Affairs offered the Opening Remarks for 5 minutes.

Ms. Caroline (CEDU) took the floor and spoke about the UN, including its significance, history and structure for 15 minutes.

Under the moderation of Dr. Nahla, a CSGS Panel discussed about United Nations and Tolerance in Action, including the Freedom of Speech and its Limitations and the Tolerance as UAE Policy and Strategic Choice. The Panelists were Dr. Kleanthis, Dr. Renny and Dr. Marios. The discussion lasted 40 minutes.

Ms. Caroline as MUN Club Advisor, via a student member, presented the Model United Nations (MUN) and the AUE MUN Club. The presentation lasted 20 minutes.

The best part of the event was an amazing workshop from Dr. Leslie (CEDU), where her students presented their works on Tolerance in 30 minutes.

Closing remarks (5 minutes) were offered by the Provost.

Overall Participation: Around 60 students and Faculty Members were present (not a big number for an inter-disciplinary event).

Advertisement/ Social Media Coverage: The Student Office prepared a poster and the event was advertised. Social Media coverage was either poor or non-existent (definitely nothing on AUE Facebook and LinkedIn).

Evaluation: The event was extremely successful as regards its content. Covered the full spectrum of United Nations and its Activities, offered a great discussion concerning tolerance in action, advertised the University MUN Club explaining what is Model United Nations and last but not least offered the opportunity to Students to have a remarkable and memorable presentation thank to the efforts of Dr. Leslie. It is a pity that there were relatively few participants and that the administrator (Dr. Kleanthis) had not been given the option to record the venue.

Recommendation: This event/ webinar proved how fruitful can be an inter-disciplinary approach. The amazing cooperation that CSGS has with CEDU in both College and individual level were crucial factors for the success. Obviously, we need more such events. The student (and Faculty) participation remains an area where much improvement needs to take place, including the event advertisement and organization (like the recording).

 Pictures from the event: In the following pages, I attach 12 pictures (screenshots) from the event for further exploitation and use (AUE or individual).  

Mohammed Abdulaziz Khadim

Ahmed Almehairi

Sarah Fahmi Othman Al-Sagheer

Rozan Ahmed H AlGhannam

Jomana Qassem Bahman Amiri

Shaima Jaffar Qambar Jaffar AlAli

Rami Refat Attia Safi



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